Knowledge Base
How Do I Use DocuSign?
What is DocuSign?
Truliant streamlines the process of submitting common financial paperwork by offering electronic loan signing through DocuSign. Members are able to gather binding signatures from other parties to a loan using their device of choice.
How Do I Use DocuSign?
How to get started with DocuSign:
- You will receive an email from DocuSign on behalf of Truliant. Select ‘Review Documents.’
- When prompted, enter your access code (date of birth as MMDD) or answer six identifying questions to authenticate your identity.
- Agree to the Consumer Disclosure by clicking ‘I Agree’ and ‘Continue’. If you experience difficulty completing the verification or closing process, contact us at 800.822.0382.
- To sign, locate the yellow Sign Here tags located throughout your documentation. The first tag you select will prompt you to adopt a signature. As you select other yellow Sign Here tags your adopted signature will be placed.
- Click ‘Confirm Signing’ (or ‘Finish’ if you are on a mobile device) after you complete all the required signature tags. After Truliant has confirmed that all signers have completed their signing process, you will receive an email with a link from which you can view, download or print the completed documents.