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Transaction Data in QuickBooks

Can I Export Transaction Data to a Spreadsheet?

You can export transaction data into a spreadsheet.

  1. Sign in to Online Banking
  2. Select Account History
  3. Choose Export

Can I Link My Truliant Accounts With QuickBooks?

  1. In QuickBooks
  2. Select Banking from the left menu
  3. Click Add Account
  4. Search your bank or use the correct URL when you log in to your bank's website
  5. Enter your bank's username and password
  6. Select the type of account
  7. Select how far back you want to download bank transactions
  8. Click Connect

Where Can I Get My Account Statement?

Get your statements and other account notices electronically by signing up for Statements & Documents.
To access Statements & Documents:

  1. Log onto Online Banking or the Truliant app
  2. Choose 'Statements & Documents'
  3. Under 'Additional Services' in Online Banking or the 'More' menu in the Truliant app

Or you can call 800-822-0382 or stop by a branch to receive a copy of your statement.