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PayPal & Venmo

How Do I Connect My Truliant Account to PayPal?

To connect your Truliant account to PayPal, go to your PayPal Wallet. Click Link a bank. (If you’re on the app, tap Menu then Banks and Cards.) Search for your bank or select it from the list. Enter your online banking details to instantly link your bank account with your PayPal account.

How Do I Connect My Truliant Account to Venmo?

In the Venmo App:

  1. Tap the "☰" icon at the top of the app
  2. Tap “Settings” and then “Payment Methods”
  3. Tap “Add a bank or card...” and then select “Bank”

Select your preferred verification method. If you choose to add your bank account manually, do not enter the check number that appears after your account number. This can cause transfers to fail or be rejected by your bank.