Knowledge Base
What is a mortgage eClosing?
What Is an eClosing?
An eClosing is the act of closing a mortgage loan electronically. This occurs through a secure digital environment where some or all of the closing documents are executed and accessed electronically.
This is often a hybrid process in which certain key documents, such as the promissory note and security instrument, may be printed to paper and wet-signed, while other documents are signed electronically.
eClosings result in eMortgages only if the promissory note is signed electronically. Learn more at Read our Press Release: Truliant is First N.C.-based Financial Institution to Complete Fully Remote Home
What options do I have to pay my mortgage?
Mortgage payments can be made within Online Banking and the Truliant app by selecting 'Manage My Mortgage' under 'Additional Services' or the 'More' menu. Payments can even be made from another financial institution.